Mersey Christmas
Great fun!
I look for a new Christmas CD each year, but it has to meet certain criteria: alternative, up-beat fun; an anti-dote to retail radio I hear at work; definitely not cheesy! I found this CD on CD BABY; I hadn’t even heard of the Spongetones. I decided that I would buy it based largely on the hilarious “Little Wiped-Out Drummer Boy” track (named for the “Wipe-Out!”, surfer-style guitar riffs) and found it to be overall good listening. The kids like it (especially “Jingle Bells”), the husband likes it, and in spite of the braod range of musical styles we enjoy popping the thing in wholesale and listening to it as an album (not just for certain cuts.)
My friends tell me that the Spongetones are in general a great Beatles-like band, and you can certainly hear that in some of the cuts. I will likely check out their website and maybe even buy other of their albums, which are sure to be more polished and produced overall. No problems with the slap-dash or inconsistent here, though, because a real spirit of fun glows right through it all, tying it up in one great Christmas package. If you like Brit-pop-fun, I hope you will listen to a few cuts and check it out for yourself.