Scrambled Eggs
Bevery Patterson-Twist & Shake-4/19/09
Ever since those mop topped British combos washed up on these shores in the early sixties, countless musicians have attempted to resurrect the excitement and sense of melody penetrating their snappy sentiments. Formed in 1978, The Spongetones are surely one of the best of the bunch. Although the North Carolina band has frequently flirted with other sounds and styles, they’ve never deserted their roots. Here on their latest album, “Scrambled Eggs,” The Spongetones channel the soul of John, Paul, George and Ringo (not to exclude occasional nods to The Searchers, The Dave Clark Five and The Hollies) with the same enthusiasm and expertise they’ve executed for years. Aside from the bluesy blast of the “Oh! Darling” influenced “Tough Love” and the rockabilly bop of “Propeller Flights,” the disc twinkles with pure pop action. Potent hooks as contagious as the chicken pox collide with jingly guitars and picture perfect choruses. “Talking Around It,” “All The Loving,” “It Can’t Go On Forever” and “Too Unlikely Two” are particular sparkling jewels found on “Scrambled Eggs.” Culling inspiration from “Something New” and “Beatles VI,” comparisons to the boys from Liverpool can’t be avoided. But The Spongetones are a clever and crafty lot, as they write their own songs that firmly stress their own creativity and originality. Ounce for ounce, cut for cut, “Scramble Eggs” is tasty and satisfying!